Tuesday, December 31, 2013


African American United Fund: Entering its Fourth Decade of Community Economic Development

DATE: Saturday, February 1, 2014
TIME: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
SITE: African American United Fund Conference Center 2231 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19132

Join us at the AAUF Conference Center as we celebrate the efforts of neighborhood organizations, community leaders and academics who work to improve access to local, healthy and culturally appropriate food. Through an interactive panel discussion, we will reflect on food movements and imagine how they might improve in years to come. The forum will also mark 20 years of service of the AAUF’s president, Aissia Richardson, who established a food-producing urban garden in North Central Philadelphia to improve the health and wellbeing of African Americans. Through critical dialogue, we will consider the capacities and limitations of such projects, while carving out new directions for transformation and growth. Join us for refreshments, raffle prizes and lively conversation!

For more information, please contact Leticia Garcia at: leticiabgarcia@gmail.com

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