African American United Fund announces its spring and summer activities.
African American United Fund will be conducting two exciting programs- the revival of our Technical Assistance Program Workshops with two activities on Thursday, May 29 and the kick off our African Marketplace Health and Wellness Workshops on Saturday, June 28.
Philadelphia, PA, May 22, 2008: For 26 years, the African American United Fund’s Technical Assistance Program (TAP) has worked with area churches and nonprofit organizations by serving as a clearinghouse for information, conducting community meetings and assisting in building organizations’ capacity to provide services to their constituents. Aissia Richardson, President, remarks “Over the last five years our technical assistance has been conducted on an as needed basis with individual organizations. I am delighted to announce that the Fund is reviving its Technical Assistance Program Workshops this spring. We are simply responding to increasing requests for our services by hosting an opportunity for individuals and organizations to come together to learn about managing their finances and filing requirements for establishing a nonprofit organization.”
The Fund will conduct two workshops on Thursday, May 29 at the African American United Fund Conference Center @ 2231 N. Broad Street- Estate Planning and Nonprofit 101. From 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Estate Planning, conducted by Yvette Hachoose, Esq., will focus on protecting your home from being sold for long term care costs and to other creditors. Find out how to protect your assets in an increasingly difficult economic climate. This is a FREE workshop; however, YOU MUST REGISTER TO ATTEND.
From 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Nonprofit 101: Guide to starting a 501c3, will focus on vital Information you need to have about starting a nonprofit organization. There will also be an introductory discussion on nonprofit financial reporting. REGISTRATION FEE: $25.00. For an additional fee of $150.00 you will receive a complete and up to date packet of forms you need to file to establish a nonprofit in Pennsylvania with a complementary booklet from Community Accountants detailing nonprofit financial reporting guidelines.
On Saturday, June 28 @ 2231 N. Broad Street, the African American United Fund will kick off its African Marketplace Health and Wellness Workshops.
The African American United Fund created this new program to highlight health disparities in the African American community. The purpose of the program is to provide activities that will help members of our community manage and improve their health. Information about how to prevent high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes will be provided. Later in the year, activities will focus on encouraging exercise and cooking nutritious meals as well as lowering stress. Finally, during the holidays we plan to offer information about mental health issues. Vending opportunities are available.
Call Avis Lindsay at 215.236.2100 to register for the May 29th workshops, for additional information about our programs or to be placed on our mailing list.
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